Sherwood Florist

sher sher2

This post is not really about photography but I figured I would share my latest creation that I did over the winter. We live along a rail trail and I decided to do something special for those who pass by our property, so I created what has affectionately become known to locals as the Gnome village. This latest building I made is a flower shop and was done without any plans and basically I just wing it as I go. I had the old scroll S on the front and after much contemplation,came up with Sherwood Florist as the name to go with it. The bottom photo shows the interior,which can be seen through the windows. Anyone on facebook can visit my personal gnome facebook site by searching Nibbles McGibbles, who is my alter ego I guess.

Easter Surprise


Drove around looking for spring photos the other day and was somewhat surprised to see Easter egg hunts being held at multiple one room Amish schools. For whatever reason I just never thought the Amish would take part in what I would call a secular tradition. I always say no matter how long I live in Amish country, I learn something new quite frequently. These boys are on their way  home from the egg hunt and each has his own Easter basket or bucket.