Oh What A Night


This was the sunset around my area on tuesday evening,and unfortunately this was one of the few spots I could find. It was a night were you could rotate 360 degrees and the sky was amazing wherever you looked. They had an explanation on the news about the strange clouds,and mentioned inversion but I forget.I actually overheated my truck from flying around a few roads trying to get something but I came up short on this one.

Country Vantage Point


I have driven down this road many times but never realized how nice the barns would be in the background of a photo. Shot this on a sunday morning as Amish buggies head to church.I used my tablet to fire the camera from inside my truck to stay a little unobtrusive and used a long lens to compress things. The surprising thing was the buggy coming toward me had music thumping on a stereo which made me do a double take.

Storm Front


Storms rumbled through our area a day ago and this was the leading edge as it rolled in.I was hoping for lightning that amazingly never materialized considering how dark the sky was. I just finished making a camera mount that I can use to shoot from inside the truck and stay somewhat safer than putting a tripod outside and this was the first attempt using it. The only short coming of having the camera inside my vehicle is when it gets real windy,it can rock the truck a bit.

Saddle Up,Summer is Here

saddle-up2 saddle-up saddle2

I happened upon this crew of youngsters out having fun on the family farm recently.I had to use a 400mm to reach them but I got a few despite the distance. I think the little horse might be the offspring of the other white horse because it hung pretty close most of the time. Not sure why the kid has his hands raised in victory but don’t try to figure kids out anyway.

A True Hero



The top image was one I captured the other night and features a statue of Major Richard Winters that was erected at the entrance of a local rail trail. Memorial day included a huge ceremony to unveil the statue and pay tribute to him and all the men and women who fought for our freedom. Dick Winters was featured in the book and mini series “Band Of Brothers” and is best known for commanding ”easy company”  during World War 2 .I decided to stop on an evening when it was a little rainy in the hopes of avoiding interfering with anyone visiting the site and I managed to capture this low angle shot with storm clouds in the background. I probably would not have shared it here but after having several people post it on Facebook and getting thousands of views there,I figured I would post it. I lit the statue with off camera flash to bring out the detail in the statue.The bottom photo shows the final resting place of Major Winters and includes many flags left by those visiting his grave. That image was taken a few years ago.