Going for the Gold

Another and perhaps my personal favorite shot from the farm visit. This is now going up the lane above the bridge and stream. The conditions were perfect with the thick fog starting to relinquish it’s hold and at the same time the sun was slowly starting to break through. It was basically illuminating this one tree so it stood out in brilliant color.

The Stream

Continuing with this location, here is the stream that leads to the stone bridge. The tree on the left had literally dropped the majority of it’s leaves the day before but I still like the various progression of trees and leaves changing.

Frost and Fog Aplenty

This particular location is actually down a long farm lane owned by an Amish family. Eons ago I drove through here from a second farm that the lane connects to and I stopped and asked if I may take a photo. They said sure, I got a shot, they got a print and everyone was happy. Fast forward 10-15 years and I could see off in the distance what appeared to be fall foliage from the main road so I stopped to ask again and to my surprise they actually remembered me coming and giving them a print all those years ago! The lane on the left goes over a small stream down at the bottom and then heads up to the right where those trees are. I think I was here from like 5:30 am till almost noon shooting this fall foliage spot and will sprinkle those in as the calendar moves on. This is one of the first I captured as a good layer of frost and somewhat dense fog combined for a great morning. It took a little waiting till the sun finally broke through but it was worth the wait!

Captured a Week Apart!

Same Church but taken about a week apart. I was lucky enough to happen to be going by when things looked nice each time. By getting on my stomach I was able to use the low vantage point to hide the road located between the leaves and the Church. I also was somewhat forced to go low so the branches and leaves would not block the steeple.

The Sun Sets on Summer

Recently I shared the story of the Mennonite boy I crossed paths with riding home from school. Well this is where he lives and where his parents allowed me to shoot their flower garden. The sun setting on the left was pure luck but I am pleased with my result as it balances nicely composition wise. This was just on the edge of getting hit by frost and a week later they were toast!

Working at the Mill is Hard!

I got a little lazy last week so I missed posting. Anyway I shot this old mill a week or two ago and it took some work and co-operation from a couple people to pull off. I noticed this place while driving past in the morning and decided I was coming back in the evening. Now for starters the foreground area was littered with those huge ugly brown Sycamore leaves that are the size of your head, so my solution was simply bring my own! So I gathered up leaves from my front yard and brought them along for their moment in the spotlight. After dispersing my leaf collection I noticed the farmer heading my way to see what all the commotion was about? I told him my goal and asked if he wanted to help with the cause, which for his part was simply turning on his house lights because you all know I love illumination!

So part of my lights request was turning on lights in the mill, which I was told was impossible because all the wiring had been removed. Well not to deterred by this little glitch, I asked if we can go inside the mill and I will add light with my flash to bring it to life? He said sure and we moved from window to window as I blasted the interior with light. The big window on the right was not accessible, so he asked the tenant to turn that rooms lights on which he kindly did. This spot is one I am pondering if we get some snow this year. There is also an old covered bridge right behind my camera but its not used anymore and is not that photogenic. Oh and after I was inside the lower level to light the window, he mentions that skunks are fairly regular guests down there, so one flash and out I came!