
Welcome to my first blog. Through this blog I want to share a few of the photographic images that I have captured over the last 25 years. I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself through photography and strive to create the best images I can, no matter what subject I find. The galleries on my site are a small sampling of my work, and I hope you enjoy viewing the many places I have been blessed to visit and capture over the years. Photography is a very powerful medium, and for me just revisiting images from the past can trigger memories of the experience, from recalling brutal cold, to glorious sunsets, to ocean waves crashing around me, it’s all there in a captured image. Hopefully you can find inspiration in some small way through my site, and be inspired to seek out the beauty that is all around us in a variety of subjects.

Donald Reese

55 responses to “About

  1. I really like your website! You did a very nice job with it! It show such a nice representation of all of the different types of photography you have done! Now, you need to add portraits! 🙂

    Good luck!


  2. Beautifully done!

    While looking at your pieces of art, I am amazed at the great ability you have to capture a great composition repeatedly.

    The ease is using your website to see your work is high.

    I will be back to see updates as you get them done.

  3. Donald, because I enjoy and admire your blog so much, I have nominated you for the ABC Award.
http://avian101.wordpress.com/2012/04/14/abc-award/ ‎. In order to accept this award, you must comply with the two rules. Then you may place the Award logo on your site. Please do not feel any pressure to accept this award, I understand if you do not wish to participate. But know your site is appreciated, and your blogging is interesting, your photos are beautiful! I enjoy reading your posts! Have a great day! H.J.

    • I appreciate the kind gesture, but I am not one to list all the descriptions of myself and dont understand all these things,so I will pass. Thanks for taking the time to nominate me though.

  4. Your work is wonderful! I have never seen the majority of the butterfly species you posted. A real delight.

  5. While I am very familiar with your work and I know this is just a small sample, I must say the landscape/scenery and sunrise/sunset images are my favorites.

    Missy 🙂

    • You have some great images and you sure do get to visit many locales.Shooting places at the right time of day can make a huge impact on photos. Wish I could visit the places you have been.

  6. I just found your blog today, I had googled Lancaster ,Wisconsin..because I had been there,and the Landscape was so amazingly lovely,like nine I had ever seen…was just wishing to find pictures to remember it… so seeing a picture which led me to the blog …I have just begun to scroll down through them…Thy are gorgeously beautiful ,everyone that I’ve looked at so far, what a Blessing to see through the lens of your hearts eyes…
    you capture every little detail that I do so enjoy noticing…

  7. Great shots of very familiar places. I live in Lancaster and have been to most if not all of these places with my cameras. The bleeding hearts and columbine above shows me how my images can be that much better. The ones I shot at Rock Ford are simply flowers, you captured much more.

    I was hoping for a photo of you as we’ve probably met. If you see a tall, bearded guy with a Sony RX100, taking photos of the same things over and over in a futile attempt to get the perfect image say hi.

  8. Congratulations on your photos in the Lancaster County magazine article Christmas at the white house. It doesn’t say which are yours and which are Mr. Zutell’s, but my guess is that yours are the night shots. The opening double page spread with house and barn is inspiring.

  9. Just wanted to pop over here to tell you how very much I love your photography. Been following a while now but thought I’d add this little note in! You are very talented.

  10. You have some real nice Images here. I’ll be following. Just what type of camera do you use? Me? I shoot a Nikon D7000, a Nikon Coolpix P600, and a Pentax K10D with various Lens’s & Filters. Thanks for your comment. I always appreciate it.

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