Let Your Hair Down


long-hair-amishThis is a little different as far as photos I usually post,but this young lady caught my eye on a local back road and I figured I would show it. Amish general keep their hair up and covered but this girl decided to mow the yard with it down. I blurred her face to keep her anonymous but in the image on the left ,her hair is almost at her ankle. For me,this is the longest hair I have seen,but maybe this is very common among the culture? Can you imagine drying it or working to put it up? Maybe it has never been cut?


12 responses to “Let Your Hair Down

  1. I’m guessing she had washed her hair and decided to mow the yard while it dries. We used to do various things while it dried, and any outside activity would speed up the process with nice moving air. Personally I preferred sitting on the porch swing reading a good book while my hair dried rather than mowing the yard.

    And yes, l-o-n-g hair is very common for Amish girls and women since they never cut it.

  2. My grandfather left the Amish when he was a teenager. Amish women usually keep their hair long. Some may never cut it in their lives. It’s almost always worn in a bun out of the way.

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