The Mansion at 5th




This elegant Victorian was originally owned by attorney Josiah Funk in the 1800s and later became home to a woman’s club,and now is in private hands and is used as a meeting place for weddings,receptions and the like.Of all the types of architecture ,the Victorian style always seems to capture my imagination with its intricate woodwork and fancy construction. I recently purchased a camranger wi-fi box for my camera and a tablet to shoot this type of subject. In the past I would have to walk up on the porch,light the scene and walk back to the camera to check the exposure,etc each time. Now the camranger sends a wi-fi signal from the camera to my tablet and I can stay on the porch and get real-time views of the shots and then I can adjust without all the walking.The camranger is possibly the best piece of equipment I have purchased in a long time. Shown in the bottom photo is my setup which shows the scene captured by the camera and displayed on the tablet,which is carried by me as I light the scene.The camranger is the little white box on my camera grip.