The Race is on!

I was out shooting when I spotted this tractor and baler working a field, so I climbed a ten foot bank across the road to hopefully get a good perspective. Well sometimes what you visualize does not pan out and this was the case here. As the machinery kept working toward the edges of the field, I began to realize it was going to block all the bales laying scattered behind him that I also wanted in the shot. About the same time frustration was setting in, I heard this buggy coming down the road and thanks to my high vantage point, everything came together after all.

6 responses to “The Race is on!

  1. Don,

    GREAT shot! Have you ever considered doing a calendar with your pictures in it? I bet they’d sell!

    Thanks for sharing your talents!

    Karl Peifer

    On Sat, Oct 19, 2019, 9:24 PM Donald Reese Photography wrote:

    > reesephoto posted: ” I was out shooting when I spotted this tractor and > baler working a field, so I climbed a ten foot bank across the road to > hopefully get a good perspective. Well sometimes what you visualize does > not pan out and this was the case here. As the machinery” >

    • thanks Karl, other than ENB doing calendars featuring my images a couple times, no. too many calendars are made each year and standing out among a huge pack is very hard.

      • Maybe a calendar of Amish photos and market to tourists?? You are really really good, and (seems to me) settled for less than your potential…just saying. 😉 Keep hanging in there!

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